Japanese Partnership
The staff and students at St Kilda Primary School highly value our meaningful relationship with our sister school community in Japan. Since September 1996 there has been an Agreement of Cooperation between SKPS and Ishigase ES.
Our relationship with Ishigase Elementary School is fundamental to us maintaining our connections to Japan and enhances the Japanese language program for our students.
The well-established home-stay tour program is a source of great pride for our school and our community. Students participating in our home-stay/ tour program to Japan will have the opportunity to practise their Japanese skills, develop friendships that we hope will be life long and learn about Japanese life, education, work and culture. Central to the success of the visit is the Ishigase Elementary School homestay program in which students have the opportunity to live with a family for 5 nights and to participate in school activities and classes for 3 days.
In addition to the in-school aspects of the program, we undertake a short tour of some of the historical, cultural and social highlights of Japan. The intention is to give students an insight into the country and its people as well as providing a unique opportunity to travel internationally as a group.
We highly value our magnificent relationship with Ishigase Elementary School and look forward to it continuing to grow from strength to strength.