
Our students are exposed to a very broad range of opportunities at St Kilda Primary School. Within the curriculum our students have weekly (Year Prep to Year 2) or fortnightly (Year 3 Year 6) exposure to Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Health and Physical Education, STEAM and Japanese with Specialist teachers.
Visual Arts
Our Visual Arts program provides students with opportunities to develop conceptual thinking and problem-solving skills within a range of different mediums across drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture, design, fiber art and clay modelling. The program aims to build children’s confidence in their own art ability and discover how art and design can have a positive impact on our lives, school, community, and world.
Along with art making, students learn about art appreciation through discussion and taking inspiration from various art styles and artists’ work. Students are given opportunities to express their ideas and encouraged to form responses to their own and other people’s artwork. They are also encouraged to reflect, monitor and plan their thinking and making as they develop a range of skills and techniques. Lessons provide an environment where imagination, experimentation, creativity, and self-expression can flourish.
Every second year, we host our SKPS Art Show where all students have the opportunity to showcase their art work and celebrate their learning.
Overall, Visual Arts at St Kilda Primary School promotes creativity, student engagement, problem solving, critical thinking as well as collaboration.
Performing Arts
Our dynamic and rich Performing Arts program provides students with experiences from a range of Performing Arts disciplines including music, dance and drama.
Students create and make, respond and interpret and engage in music, drama and dance practices. Our students have many opportunities to showcase their learning throughout the year at whole school assemblies, year level concerts, biennial junior school production and senior school production which occur on alternate years.
Students are also invited to participate in a variety of community events where they are able to perform and showcase their learning.
Languages other than English (LOTE) Japanese
We are aware of how significantly learning a second language extends students’ capacity to communicate and widens their international perspective. It strengthens a student’s understanding of cultural diversity and fosters new ways of thinking.
Our Japanese Program aims to provide students with opportunities to develop their communication skills in Japanese and explore Japanese culture. Students are immersed in a culturally inclusive learning environment and develop their language skills and cultural understanding through participating in a wide range of activities such as singing, dancing, role-plays, art and craft. Students and staff are also very excited to celebrate our Japanese Cultural Day every year, as they are involved in many fun activities, dress up in Japanese costumes and enjoy special Japanese performances and ceremonies.
Our Japanese sister school partnership enables our students to broaden their perspectives and enhance their language learning. We strongly believe that our partnership is a vehicle for building intercultural understanding and a sense of global citizenship in both our students, families and staff.
Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education (HPE) covers the strands of Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. Our HPE lessons focus on developing confidence, strength and knowledge in the fundamentals of the body and movement. Students are engaged in high quality and meaningful activities that promote curiosity and fun.
Our Junior School program focuses on developing fundamental motor skills to enable students to participate in games and sport. Our middle and senior programs extend on these fundamental skills to develop game skills and team behaviours.
We complement the HPE program with school wide activities such as House Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country, a Perceptual Motor Program, Inter-school Gala Days (Year 3-6) and Lunchtime Sports Clubs.
Through the Sporting Schools Initiative, we are able to organise a variety of specialist coaching sessions for the students. These sessions are run by coaches from local community sporting groups and have covered sports such as:
- Cycling
- Athletics
- Cricket
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Swimming
- Crosscountry
Students learn skills and game play specific to these sports and develop good sportspersonship. These sessions also provide our school community with contacts to local sporting clubs for students to pursue outside school.
The STEAM program at SKPS provides students with opportunities to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the exploration of real-world and global issues. Our STEAM program focuses primarily on delivering the Technologies Curriculum, with links to Science and Mathematics skills.
Students in all year levels engage with computational thinking, coding, and critical and creative problem-solving. They explore the engineering design process to empathise with others, identify problems, develop ideas, design and build prototypes, as well as test and improve their designs in an iterative cycle. Students are provided with a range of opportunities to apply the skills they learn through collaborative challenges and inquiry-led learning.
The program aims to build students’ confidence and understanding when engaging with technology and digital devices. They explore the positive impacts technology can have in our lives and identify ways that they can build a positive relationship with technology.
STEAM at St Kilda Primary School promotes creativity, student engagement, problem-solving, critical thinking as well as collaboration.