
Prep (Foundation) Enrolments

The Department of Education has a statewide Prep (Foundation) enrolment timeline.

The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Prep (Foundation) at a Victorian government primary school, including St Kilda Primary School.

You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Starting school page.

Prep 2025 completed Enrolment Documentation, including Out of Zone Applications, should be submitted by Friday 26 July 2024.

We will provide Parents / Carers with written notification of Prep 2025 enrolment outcomes as per the Department’s Placement Policy between Monday 29 July and Friday 9 August 2024.

How to Enrol – Prep to Grade 6

If St Kilda Primary School is the school for you and you live:

Please note that the above documents are all PDF fillable and we ask that you complete them in softcopy and return them via email if possible.

If you require a paper form, please contact the school office on 03 9534 3993.

Please return the following supporting documentation with your Enrolment Form:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunisation Certificate (Refer below for requirements)
  • Proof of student’s permanent residence (For guidance, please refer to the Residential Address Checklist
  • Current Visa (If applicable)

All supporting documentation must be received, including the original Birth Certificate being sighted at the Office, in order to finalise enrolment.

If you are currently overseas, please email the school and we will be happy to help.

Enrolment Documentation

Student Application Form
Student Enrolment Form
2025 SKPS Consent Forms
2026 SKPS Consent Forms

Immunisation Status

The amendments to the No Jab, No Play legislation have tightened requirements for enrolment in early childhood services and impact acceptable documentation for school entry immunisation requirements.

By law, we are required to request and record information on the immunisation status of students prior to enrolment. Parents or guardians must provide an immunisation status certificate to the school regardless of whether the child is immunised or not.

An Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register via Medicare is the only form of documentation accepted as proof of a child’s immunisation status when you are enrolling a child at SKPS.

Documents produced by GPs or other immunisation providers will no longer be sufficient as a form of evidence. 

There is no requirement to produce this certificate if your child is already enrolled at school.

To read our Code of Conduct on our Child Safe page click here.

Update of Changed Circumstances

Please make sure that you advise the School of any changed contact details or relevant information about your child by email so that our records remain accurate.

If at any time during your child’s enrolment with SKPS your one household family becomes a two household family, the DoE requires these details be updated. The office can assist you with the completion of the appropriate forms for your circumstances.

It is important to note that our Compass Parent Portal issues one login per family.  Therefore a second login cannot be issued unless the two household family details have been updated.

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