School Transitions

Kinder to Prep
This is a time of major change for children (and their families). Our program includes an Orientation Program that takes place during November and December. The children have an opportunity to meet the Prep teachers for the next year so that they can begin to form relationships as well as meeting familiar friends from kinder. The program is designed to give the children a taste of what a Prep classroom is like and helps them to become familiar with some of the important areas around the school.
In 2021 we extended our Buddy Program so that the future preps could begin to form relationships with the children who will be in their Buddy Class when they start school the following year. Our Year 3 children visit each of our main feeder kinders as well as writing to them and playing with them in their own setting as well as at school. We hope this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership for the next 3 years.
Since 2015 we have had a Prep Parent Transition Program as well. During this program we provide information based on the questions that we are often asked each year. The program changes each year as we respond to the needs of our community. We have a lot of fun and we really enjoy getting to know our new (and sometimes returning) families during the program.
There is an opportunity for parents to meet the teachers, the Principal and the Assistant Principal both formally, through Parent Information Nights, and informally. We know that strong positive relationships form the core of a child’s successful time at school and we try to ensure that we use this time to lay the foundations for a wonderful seven years at our school.
Our staff also take part in the Kinder/Prep Network which allows Kinder and Prep teachers to meet and discuss the focus of their work and share their knowledge and understanding of working with this age group.
Each year
Once the children are at school, they take part in our Quality Beginning Program which familiarises them with our school values including our beliefs about learning, behaviour, the use of digital technologies and sustainability. The focus is on the value of positive relationships which encompass respect, friendliness, teamwork, resilience, love of learning and creativity.
Whole School Transition
In December every year, towards the end of Term 4, we hold a whole school transition day.
Students have the opportunity to ‘step up’ into the new year level and meet their new teachers and classmates.
Students complete a range of activities during the day which gives teachers the opportunity to observe their skills and dispositions, e.g. team building, Learning Power habits, imagination, creativity.
Learning about students’ interests and passions helps teachers plan for the following year’s learning experiences.
Transition from Year 6 to 7
The Year 6 teachers work throughout the year to prepare our students for the transition into secondary school.
Their focus is on developing each student’s self-esteem, time management skills and understanding of themselves as a learner so that they can achieve their hopes and dreams after they leave our school.
Many students return at the beginning of the next year to be part of our Drop-in Program where they can share their new experiences with their ‘old’ teachers and friends.