Parent Communication
There are lots of ways to keep in touch at St Kilda Primary School
- Call or email your Class Community Rep with any questions that need answering
- Talk to your child’s classroom teacher, or make an appointment to see Sue Higgins (Principal) or Chris Borcek (Assistant Principal) – sometimes you can just drop in!
- If you have a finance matter call in and see our Business Manager, Anabel Herr
- If you would like to buy some uniforms or ask a general question call in and see Al or Billie at the office (Office Managers)
- Subscribe to any of the options below to keep up-to-date with what’s happening at St Kilda Primary School

Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a critical tool for communication between parents and teachers.
After you have received your specific login details you will be able to access your Parent Page to:
- Report absences
- Find information about payments
- Learn about upcoming and key events
- Receive information about permission forms
- Follow the school newsfeed which gives information about everything that is happening at the school
- Book appointment times for Parent Teacher Interviews or Student Led Conferences

See your child’s classroom teacher for a QR code so that you can access your child’s digital portfolio and catch a glimpse of your child’s learning journey at SKPS.

Parents’ Facebook
If you’re a Facebook user you can join our Facebook page for more news and events as well as fantastic community news and school holiday boredom busters.
Please note: content posted on this page is from and for St Kilda Primary School parents and guardians and may not reflect the opinions of the school.
School Lunches
We have 2 wonderful lunch providers:

Beaver’s Tail
Beaver’s Tail is one of our lunch order providers. Choose from a selection of yummy healthy lunches, delivered every day.
Orders can be made online via and must be placed before 9am on the day of order.

Renatta from School24
Lunch orders are available from Renatta and can be ordered online at
Before and After School Care
TheirCare is the school’s Before and After School Care provider. If you’d like your child to access Before or After School Care please register with the provider directly via their website (
We have a great Coordinator and he has a fabulous team who will be more than happy to engage with you and answer any questions you may have.
Service mobile: 0400 027 509
Service email:
Head Office: 1300 072410
Head Office email: