
Community Engagement

How to get involved

The St Kilda Primary School is a vibrant, treasured and inclusive space located in the heart of the St Kilda community. We pride ourselves on building strong connections with local families, neighbours, kindergartens and the wider community.

Our greatest priority is the wellbeing of our community and the development of the whole child and creating strong relationships is very important to us.

The voluntary Class Community Representatives play a significant role in the functioning of the school. You have a unique and valuable opportunity to help our school community thrive and to play your part in building a strong and positive community of parents, teachers and children.

The role focuses on engaging and connecting parents with classroom activities. You will enhance our school community spirit, contribute to fundraising activities and encourage open and engaging communications.

Extra Curricular Programs

We have a number of companies offering extra curricular activities. These occur during school hours, and before and after school. Please contact the individual provider to ensure that the program is running.

Art Smart presented by Artea Art School is running 2 sessions, a senior program from Grade 3+ student’s on a Tuesday 3.40 – 5pm and a junior program Prep – Grade 2 on a Thursday 3.40 – 5pm. To enrol for a free trial session please head to their website –
Contact details:
Phone: 0415 039791

Young Engineers is using Lego to introduce students to engineering, mechanics, problem solving and team work by building motorised Lego models and code them to respond to enviroenmental changes and inputs.
Contact details:
Phone: +61 (0)478534693

Code Camp is using design, code and logic to have students produce multiple games and apps using their exciting online platform Code Camp World in an 8-week program! Each Wednesday afternoon they will choose the features they want to build and advance their problem-solving skills to build these features using code. Devices: Grade 5-6 will bring their own devices. Code Camp will provide for Grades 2-4. Parent pick up location: Deck between Manabi and Sakura.
Contact details:
Phone: 1300 263 322

Junior Engineers offer Minecraft sessions on Thursday afternoon for all aspiring Minecraft master builders (7 week program).
Contact details:
Phone: 1300 089344

FizzKidz offer a Science Program for Prep to Year 4 students every Monday afternoon 3.30 – 4.45pm for kids who are curious to learn more about Science.
Contact details:
phone: 0431 379953

Drama Time is a fun program during lunchtime on Tuesdays to develop life skills and acting & performance skills. It also enhances Creativity, resourcefulness, self-confidence, team building, presentation skills,  communication and public speaking.
Contact details:
phone: 0438 610 310;

Dance Avenue offers the opportunity for students from all year levels to participate in a dance program during lunchtime on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 
Contact details:
phone: 0422 089 964;

Chess Ideas is teaching children of all ages chess during lunchtime on Mondays by an experienced coach. 
Contact details:;
phone: 03 9532 8370;

Daryl Greeves offers a wonderful personalised tennis program that has been at our school for a long time before & after school.
Contact details: 0418 500780

Music Melody offers keyboard and guitar lessons at school during school time.
Limited places for 30 minute group lessons, available for grade 2-6 students.
Contact details:
phone: Adina 0403 148 160 or;

Hello Music offers individual and group lessons during school time for piano, guitar, violin and cello. 
Contact details:
phone: 03 9533 6222, or Karen 0414776613;

All students from Prep to Grade 6 are welcome. Sessions are every Tuesday from 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Contact details:
Phone: 0419253837

YogaFun is teaching children Yoga and relaxation during lunchtime on Fridays.
Contact details:
phone: 1300 YOGAFUN (9642-386) 


St Kilda Primary School has a large number of established basketball teams across all year levels. Training occurs before and after school.

Contact: Ask at the office to get email details for the coordinator Sophie Porter if you are interested in starting a team and need a court.

Kindergarten Partnerships

We focus on building stronger partnerships with local kindergartens: Bubup Nairm, South St Kilda (Guardian), St Kilda and Balaclava (Nelson St) and North St Kilda Children’s Centre.

As part of our Buddy Program, Year 3 students will be creating strong connections with children and their families by writing to, visiting and playing with, kindergarten children. These bonding sessions will take place both at the pre-school setting and on our school grounds.

This will be the beginning of a long friendship. The children will keep their buddies for the first three years of their schooling at primary school.

SKPS encourages kinder groups to come and play on our school grounds, to explore our Productive Garden and to help us look after our chickens.

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